
Through my underlying academic knowledge, practical experience, a working understanding of different infra-structures and systems at elite level and an extensive network of coaches and allied service providers around the world, I am able to provide a range of services. Please contact me for more details on the following programmes of support

• Design and implementation of individual training programmes

• Conduct remote needs-analysis and arrange regional support services

• Provide coach mentoring and arrange work experience for aspiring Strength and Conditioning coaches, identifying priority areas for development

• Deliver Education workshops for athletes / coaches or practitioners working towards professional accreditation

• Provide independent advice and assistance in the recruitment process of Intern, Development level and Lead strength coaches

• Assistance in the design of a safe and effective gym facility and needs-analysis of equipment required

• Conduct discreet, independent and objective Departmental Audit of practitioners / sessions / systems providing feedback and priority areas for development

• Content or editorial for book chapters, applied journals or sports periodicals